I owed myself these three prints to be up to my 52 prints challenge. They're part of a 5 color reduction print. The biggest challenge for me when working a reduction print is the registrations. This time around I'm having a small edition of ten, and yes, a couple of them didn't get the baby blue perfectly. I'll just keep going, I don't want to stop because of that.
The yellow circles were kind of monoprinted. I inked the plate and the put a template to get only the circles. I really don't know if this is "legal" but that's what I did.
I just realized that I'm only 13 prints away to finish my 52 prints porject. So far, it's being a matter of disciple. I'm spending 15 to 20 hrs per week at my printmaking studio where I read, draw, move things around, experiment, and cut lots of paper. Obviously, there are some prints that didn't even made it to this page. I know that I love printmaking but I also know I'm far from where I wish I was as an artist. I'm a mom, I still have lots of responsabilies to my daughters but I don't feel it's burden at all. On the contraire, I feel I'm teaching them to give themselves some space as individuals. As Georgia O'Keeffe said it in her letter to Vernon Hunter: "I have to get along with my divided self the best way I can".