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November 19, 2009


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Hey there, what fabulous fabric and the bag is just too cute! I'm part of a PIF too and it's such an awesome concept to help make our world a little bit smaller and nicer!

Congratulations on getting such a happy package in the mail on a day where it was only expected to hold YUCK! I HATE those day! LOL


I love the pay it forward idea, what a nice surprise that you received in the mail!


Oh yay I'm number three!! Such a good idea. I don't usually sign up, but 365 days works for me!! Love your blog by the way, I read it by RSS feed :)


oh darn, just missed the cut-off. but what a cool idea and that you're participating. :)


very cool idea! i wish i would have been quicker to see your post!

Alia Ghulam

Lovely idea! I'm totally out of the running but had to post nonetheless! I really like the 365 day idea too! Have fun.


This is a fabulous idea. Thank you for putting it out there.

urban craft

I am finishing my handmade PIf. Thank you for doing one too! When I was trying to find more people who have done a handmade PIF, I had a hard time finding many. I started a flickr group to showcase items and encourage more people to do one.
Would love to have your items added!


happy 2010!

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