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December 14, 2012


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Estan de lo mas lindo
s y muy bien hechos como siempre. Gracias por ser una persona tan agradecida!!!!! TQM Mami

Marina Reina

me encantaron, estan preciosas!!!!!, el espiritu navideño es muy diferente de este otro lado del hemisferio, asi, sin mas palabras tu me entiendes, les madamos un fuerte abrazo, y que el siguiente año sea como ustedes se lo merecen...


It is hot here too and this time last year we were loving Iguacu. So lush and cool! Wish we could afford to do that again!
Happy Christmas to you and girls and happy sewing in 2013...you will miss your family still, but feel more settled next year I am sure.


Thank you all for your lovely comments!!
Salley, we just came back from Iguazu!! I didn't know you visited there last year. Well, now I know the feeling too. It was amazing!!


the pouches are lovely. I made some from the same book but mine aren't as nice as yours!

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