Today I'm listing my new hexie paper templates in my etsy shop!! I've been meaning to share them with you for few weeks already and at the same time... well, you know, life is happening. First of all I want to thank you so much for the awesome response to my first batch of hexie packs, that first batch is gone now!! I hope you are having a great time sewing your hexie.
This time around I cut the 1" hexies, and a batch of 2" hexies for people who like myself want to see their hexie project grow faster that with smaller hexagons. These new templates are made of 90 lb. paper which means that it's thicker paper than regular paper but thinner than card stock. I'm offering you 30gr. packs that hold between 35 to 40 pieces which means that you can make 5 [big] flowers per pack.
You can find the 2" hexie paper templates here, and the 1" hexie paper templates here.